31st World Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad | Perugia 2022
2022 Chambers convention

From October 8 to 10, ICCIAUS joined the 31st WORLD CONVENTION OF ITALIAN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE ABROAD held in Perugia.

The Convention was organised by Assocamerestero with the patronage and support of Umbria Region and the Chamber of Commerce of Umbria in collaboration with InfoCamere and Unioncamere – Unione italiana delle Camere di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura – The public entity that unites and institutionally represents the Italian Chambers system in Italy.

150 foreign delegates from over 50 countries took part in the Convention including Presidents, Secretaries General and board members of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad.

This was an important opportunity to strengthen the ties between the Italian Chambers system abroad and the Chambers network in Italy, laying the foundations not only for new collaborations, but also for the development of projects and initiatives with an #international focus.

Among the activities, a conference on the future of Made in Italy; a discussion panel on the new challenges that local businesses will face in foreign markets; a roundtable discussion on sustainability and B2B meetings with enterprises of the Region. 

The Italian Chamber of commerce in Sydney is now part of the “Asia – Oceania – SouthAfrica Area” along with 19 other chambers. This bond aims at developing joint projects within that area and optimise synergies for the internationalization of businesses.

During the convention, Mario Pozza was elected as new president of Assocamerestero. He is vice-president of Unioncamere and president of Treviso Chamber of Commerce.

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