November 22, 2023 - 12:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Business Luncheon with the Hon. Don Farrell
AU$ 0.00 - Standard Ticket

2023 Multi-Chamber EventĀ 
Business Luncheon with the Hon. Don Farrell, MP. Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism

The networking business luncheon, which includes an address by the Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator Don Farrell, will provide an opportunity to deepen participants’ understanding of the Australian Government’s trade agenda.

Participating Chambers of Commerce:

Australian Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Sydney, Australia-Brazil Chamber of Commerce, Australia China Business Council, Australia-Cuba Business Coucil, European Australian Business Council, Finland-Australian Chamber of Commerce, French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, German-Australian Chamber of Industry & Commerce, Australia Lebanese Chamber of Commerce, Australia India Chamber of Commerce, Australia Indonesia Business Council, Irish Australian Chamber of Commerce, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Australia – Melbourne Inc., Australia-Latin America Business Council, Australian Maltese Chamber of Commerce, Norwegian Australian Chamber of Commerce, Slovenian Australian Chamber of Commerce, La Camara-The Spanish-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Swedish Australian Chamber of Commerce, Australian Swiss Chamber of Commerce Australia

  • Modality
  • Where
    Allianz Stadium
    Driver Ave
    Moore Park NSW 2021
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