March 31, 2023 - 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm (Australia/Melbourne)
Exclusive Business Lunch with Hon. Andrew Giles MP + Livestream

ICCIAUS is happy to promote ICCI Melbourne’s Exclusive Business Lunch with the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs, Hon. Andrew Giles MP as keynote speaker.

A light lunch and refreshments will be provided from 12 pm-1 pm, allowing for the opportunity to network with fellow attendees before the formal presentation begins.

The Hon. Andrew Giles MP will present ‘Building a Migration system for Australia’s future’, commencing at 1 pm. At the end of the presentation, there will also be an opportunity to ask Minister Giles questions.

DRESS CODE: Business casual.

LIVESTREAM OPTION AVAILABLE: Join remotely with a discounted ticket!

  • Modality
  • Where
    Holding Redlich
    8/555 Bourke St
    Melbourne VIC 3000
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