ICCIAUS is pleased to announce that Flinders University of Adelaide, South Australia, has confirmed that the teaching of Italian Language will continue next year.

Since the announcement of the decision to halt it, a huge amount of community awareness has been raised with over 4,000 signatures to an online petition that ICCIAUS has been happy to support.
Kudos to Consolato Adelaide, Comites South Australia, SA local MPs and community representatives that organised and coordinated the response with a terrific result!

Our CEO, Rachele Grassi, had previously commented “what was happening in Adelaide is the embodiment of a missed opportunity: providing language and cultural education linked to a community that is so widely established within Australia, is a way of connecting amongst fellow Australians treasuring the diversity that is the richness of this nation. This, along with providing new generations with the tools to understand the world with a broader mindset, through the lens of a country belonging to the G7”

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